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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I hate (most) remixed and rearranged covers of good songs.

Everybody else is doing it. When someone does not have enough creative juices to fill in the last few tracks to sell a full length cd, make a cover of a classic from 10 years back or further.

Boy bands (I'm so happy they're no longer in the music scene if they still are don't tell me I prefer to be ignorant of them), have blended and harmonized the feeling out of songs they remake. They sound smooth and cool but the poetry is lost. What everyone will be listening for will be how many curls and slides of the notes one can get away with before proceeding to the next word. I can't imagine a serenade to a lady where there are 5 soloists singing and trying to outsing (or outsuck) each other, how can that be romantic or flattering?

(Bay-ay-ay-ay-e-e-e-e-ey beee!)

RNB is a respectable music tradition, but how much RNB-ing can one song take? Just like the boy bands how many variations can you get away with until you continue singing (A-a-a-ahh-aahmmmmm ehehehey-ziiiiing gre-e-eys- huh-ow suuuweeeeeeet thu---------huhuh saaaaawwwwwnd).

Music isn't like what it used to be. Talent was the selling point to music but indeed "video killed the radio star." A so-so voice with a white bikini can give you an album now-a-days.

That's why I'm all for Simon Cowell. Hard to please but he gives credit when it's due. Gimicks don't get past him. As he once said to Jasmine Trias, "you're the cute smiling girl with the flower, of course they won't vote you out." And she made it to the top 3. No her voice isn't ugly but it's not a wow.

For everyone else, sing your range. Not everyone has the vocal cords of Celine Dion or Aerosmith. Not everyone can whistle with their mouths wide open like Mariah Carey if you can't do it, don't act like you can.

Tracy Chapman now there's a lady with a nice barritone voice. Even on her lonesome Boyzone had nothing on her on "Baby Can I Hold You"

Generally, I don't hate covers. "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" has been done by Elvis and Simon and Garfunkel but there's respect for the work done. There is intent to make a personal rendition, of how the song works in the singer. But to just get any song, to make a blast from the past and immiediately have a wide fanbase due to familarity with nothing positive added or emphasized in an old song just a remix, remake, that's just wrong.

How many James Bond films has there been? How many ways has the theme been rendered? They are all different but each rendition does not take away from the original feel of the first arrangement since Dr. No. Or else it wouldn't be the Bond Theme.

So why is it when new artists (if they can be called that) pick up an old song, they always think an update is in order, without first thinking about what makes that song the song that it is. Respect it's all about respect for the work already done.

This is why I love rock. Rockers have a respect for the history of a song. Rock is always based on emotion or a message. Rockers hold musicality and originality as a virtue.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I hate (most) teen movies.

In my posts I will qualify and quantify my opinions. As I have put here I hate most teen movies it is not to say that I hate them all but to the most of my knowledge if I see a movie poster, or a trailer which smacks of a teen movie, you wouldn't get me to watch it even if you paid me too.

What I hate:

Losers everywhere! From the loser they pick on to the big losers (losers that pick on the losers) it's a waste of time to see all these stereotypes. The nerds keep getting picked on by the pretty ones or the jocks (natural course of adolesence I guess), but the nerds allowing these things to continue. Easy way out? Isolate. I guess that's too anti social, but I mean it's better to have a solid group of 3 or 4 rather than a gang of 30 that rat and run out on you later on.

Other stuff I don't really hate but think "What's the big deal?" This is when the big losers pick on the losers for no good reason. Could be an old jacket. Straight A average, or a speech defect. Weird thing is the big losers have such a shallow level of satisfaction. Which make them a much bigger loser in my book. Tastes are easily satiated a name called, a spill of books. Do I hate the big losers? No.

They're not worth hating, too pathetic actually. What I hate is how the teen movies magnify the big loser problem. When real life kicks in I like the line, "Be kind to nerds, you'll end up working for one." And that is when payback matters.

Teen movies perpetuate stereotypes of populars and weirdos, and I really can't get why everybody wants to be like the populars (in the movies) what's there to popularity. And teen movies get teens to contemplate really useless things.

Is it..or is it me? (A Series of Mutterings on Things I Hate)

"Much madness is divinest sense To a discerning eye;
Much sense the starkest madness.
'Tis the majority
In this, as all, prevails
Assent, and you are sane;
Demur,--you're straightway dangerous,
And handled with a chain."

Emily Dickinson

I find my self very strongly opinionated regarding some things and I am in no way claiming superiority or a monopoly to enlightenment but rather this is simply an experiment regarding how many share my views and how many don't. In the next coming posts I will discuss a topic I hate rather than a topic I like and to the best of my abilities air my discontent or disagreement with what I percieve as popular opinion. For no other purpose but to post this blog as a Doogie Howser-ish attempt to save my thoughts in the fastest way I can process it, using a keyboard.

This is what this is for and though I may have no other purpose in mind, inevitably this will serve a purpose and what that purpose is, was left uncontemplated.