Style, is a mode of expression. It describes clothes, art and music genres, writing and speaking, and performance.
Styles are preferences; it's a set of aesthetics, tendencies and predispositions which lead to certain results. Surrealists differ from realists to impressionists, ballroom is different from ballet and jazz is different from heavy metal, Karate is different from Kung fu, FMA is different from English Longsword fighting. The resulting styles differ based on the circumstances that lead to their development, culture, resources, social pressures etc.
This issue on style is so big that I've decided to tackle it in three parts. This one is on music and performance because it irks me the most these days (the excuses on style that is).
Okay I said music and performance but my brain is itching to tackle performance first especially dance. Ah dance, it is such a broad discipline, there's the ever strict and form intensive ballet to the highly energetic moves of hip hop and break dancing. And reality shows have tried to encompass this broad variety by giving an outlet to various kinds of dancers, and an opportunity to show everybody else that there are different forms of dance.
Okay, first of all dancing is a mode of self expression. While there are techniques and steps to follow, it is not performed the same way twice unless choreographed and even then variation exists. It's a living art form, emotions and rapport between dancer and partner and audience affect the performance. And dancers (I mean live, eat, breathe dance kind of people, that silly jig on your uncle's birthday when your mom forced you to doesn't count) express their heart through their movement. When done with an honesty of performance and self expression everyone feels what you're doing. And people are moved by the performance.
So, why do so many people think they can dance when many sure as hell can't? Self expression is one thing but convulsing like a tazed perpetrator is not dance. Oh please don't say you were just Krumping. Krumping is a discipline in itself (and I can't Krump, but I know what a convulsion looks like) and if you are Krumping it is intentional.
And intent – ah that's the key word, intent is what makes what you're doing self expression. Expression is an outward manifestation of what one experiences inside. If you didn't intend to do that and you're just riding a nervous tick, or suffering from a grand mal seizure don't call it you're style of dancing. To call it your style of dancing would require you to do more than one step of the dance.
For example, don't say you dance like Michael Jackson if all you can do is grab your crotch. If that were the case then many baseball pitchers can claim that. Don't say you're a break dancer just because you can do a single hand handstand. Don't say you're a ballroom dancer just because you slow danced in the prom. More importantly if you're a one trick pony, don't say that's just the way you like it.
If it's a matter of like then you have to show yourself to be able to do things you don't like.
This brings us to music, like dance the musician (live, eat, get the idea) expresses himself through his music. His feelings and thoughts can be made known by his playing or singing.
People who do covers and nothing else can be very technically excellent but unless you make your own music (even a cool jam will do you don't need a record label to call it your music, or rearrange other compositions at least) you're just the musical equivalent of an art forger.
There's more to music than hitting the high notes (for singers) or getting that riff or that drum beat or that baseline. There must be variety, intensity and most of all purpose. Like dance, if all you know is one song, play around with three chords or have only one adlib, you're not a musician.
People who actually learned to play and sing in a structured manner (note I didn't say schooled). Know the basics that lead up to the good stuff. There's understanding of music principles why this note comes together with this one and why we do this rhythm and not that one.
To simply scream and say one is imitating Chester Bennington of Linkin Park displays his ignorance of what kind of screaming is required to sing rock music and screamo songs. To sing until you break glass is not what defines Mariah Carrey (she has outstanding low notes too). To thump your chest does not make you Celine Dion and having buck teeth and being gay does not make you Freddie Mercury.
The people mentioned above have more range and what they are known for in their hits. Their other songs can show you that they can do fast slow, high and low, smooth and wild. They break the rules of singing because they know when to break it and how to break it. To follow them requires the understanding they gained. Robbing the rich does not make you Robin Hood. Robbing the rich and giving it to the poor, being loved by the poor and being hated by the corrupt that you rob from because they actually stole the money you're stealing from them as well. That makes you Robin Hood. The green tights and bow just won't cut it (he probably didn't wear green anyway).
On the performance side, I just had to put this in, there are so called dancers/performers following an irritating practice these days and that is splicing several musical tracks in one song. I don't mean medleys I love medleys. I mean performance who play two measures of one song, stick in a beatbox sound and shift to an entirely new and usually disjoint song. Intro guitar riff for Black and White by Micheal Jackson awwww, scratch scratch...laser sounds, cut in Insomia by Craig David. It's soooo irritating!
It was a novelty at first but everyone else has done it into more and more ridiculous proportions. At first it was like a medley of two songs or one song spliced between two halves of the same song. Usually it was shown to contrast dance steps and to showcase what the performers can do.
But these days performers don't have the creativity to craft their choreography into a story to match the music. That is part of the dancer's discipline
Rather they pick and choose cool sounds to augment their lame steps. Everyone with free audio mixing software volunteers to splice MP3 for their crew. And the beatbox noise is evidence that the sound mixers don't have the skill or the patience to cut and splice the music seamlessly. It's one sensory assault after another.
To qualify as self expression, the one expressing must have knowledge of the rules and the style he is breaking or making his own. Picasso could make realistic paintings, he later chose to paint his way. Artists can make cartoons but not all cartoonists are artists.
If the wrong way is the only way you know how to do it then you're not self expressing you don't know squat.