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Sunday, May 20, 2012

I Hate "People"

I hate people when they think as a mob. I hate people when they are led by hype, marketing, and popular opinion. That's when I hate people.

Agent K in Men in Black said, “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.” Which is why they can't be trusted with the truth.

In a world where Google has made information ubiquitous, people are still to lazy to look up information. One unfounded accusation becomes a rumor and a smear campaign and any defense by the person is judged as a cover up.

One person's inane comment is suddenly thought of as bigotry. Take Pacquiao's comment on same sex marriage (I didn't vote for the guy), he was naive or brave enough to speak his mind about same sex marriage as a sin. While that statement was of course offensive to the LGBT community and Christians applauded him, he was specifically addressing the marriage issue and he was not promoting LGBT hate as big a disconnect as that might seem.

Turns out the report was a bad piece of journalism, it was sensational tabloid reporting made to look credible because it was posted on the web and not some two bit paper. But the Old Testament quotes weren't uttered by Manny.

Risking the anger of the LGBT community, opposing same sex marriage is not equal to LGBT hate. Double standard might be a closer monicker but hate isn't. And besides isn't it true that there are members of the LGBT community NOT clamoring for same sex marriage and some even oppose it. Almost in the same vein as Catholics for RH.

Interpreting Manny's statements are best viewed through the lens of Hanlon's Razor (remember what I said about information and Google...). It does not have to be viewed as malicious.

The next day after Anti-Manny hate speech and clamor for his sponsors to drop him the news article explaining his side was of course received less than half as well. Comments range from, "Of course he'll say that," to, "Whatever, I still think he's a bigot." Who's close minded now?

Manny's case is just the latest example. But time and again when "people" unite in a nationwide/planetwide knee-jerk reaction considering the possibility that they could be wrong is such a hard pill to take.

That goes for Manny or Gaga or Rowling or Dan Brown or who ever dares get spotlighted. Haters will always find a way to get public consensus to legitimize their hate. Send a text brigade invoking God, National pride and primal fears and you've got the seed, ready to replace intelligent thought with a "cause for action", to be spread by "people" who let others do the thinking for them. No one dares be an individual in the face of such popularity.

But don't think that getting lost amongst "people" only applies to the majority, counter culture has it too. You find a people of somewhat like mind but you find that they too can be extreme. Strangely enough people do the same thing, they conform to the thought of the minority group. Hoping not to be seen as part of the majority the, unthinking masses, one becomes unthinking themselves to accommodate the cool minority ideology. In that set up it feels weird to counter the counter culture. But if you see yourself as a rebel, aren't you also free to rebel against the rebellion?

In a world where a concept can be searched and have 10,000,000 hits, why can't people take the effort to view at least five of those? All this information is available but ignorance still abounds. It used to be that people are ignorant because only the elite could access information. Today it's worse, people are stupid because they're too lazy to find the information. And worse still, people are ignorant because of the admission that they don't want to think.

That's why I hate "people" but I love persons.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I hate it when people say they have a secret and don't intend to tell you anyway.

I hate it when people tell you they have a secret that they never intend to tell you.

I don't only hate it I find it downright stupid. It's as stupid as a kid who wants to play silent treatment and says, "I'm not talking to you." If you mean to not talk to someone, then you don't talk to them. It's as moronic as saying, "I'm ignoring you."

Tip, if you wanna keep a secret you keep its existence a secret. You don't announce its presence. The best way to keep a secret is to keep your trap shut in the first place.

I Hate it When People Mutter and are Offended When You Ask Them to Repeat What They Said

I hate it when people don't talk clearly enough and then when you ask for a repetition they go, "It's nothing." It's irritating especially if they try to use a word different from what they said and insist it's what they said.

"It would be good if we had a ... here."

"A what?"


"You said it would be good if we had a...?"

"A little cheer in here"

"That's not what you said. If we had a...?"


"A what?!"

"I said it would be good if we had a beer in here."

"Yeah I agree I think we need 2 cold ones."

Was that so hard?

If it wasn't supposed to be heard don't mutter it at all. And if you want it heard, then for crying out loud speak up. And if by some circumstance like loud music, static on the phone line or wax in the ears prevent you from being heard properly, don't go on feeling hurt for not being heard in the first place.

If I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't be having this conversation with you. If I wasn't paying attention I'd answer you in a lame or off tangent manner like, "Uhuh that's nice." Instead of repeating your sentence word for word except the misheard one.